Adding In

Let's talk about ADDING IN, shall we? It's really the opposite of DIET. Who wants to diet? It contains the word DIE which is how we feel about depriving ourselves of food. That is not the way forward. Let me suggest another way of looking at your eating regime. How about instead of depriving yourself of food you look at ways to boost your nutritional content? Think "How can I make this meal more nutritious? How can I ramp up the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.?" This is where you ADD IN! Consider:

Add blueberries to your morning porridge / oatmeal
Add ground flaxseed to your pancake batter
Add chick peas to your ratatouille
Add hemp seeds to your salad
Add raw cacao nibs on top of your yoghurt
Add some spinach leaves in your sandwich
Add some chia seeds to your smoothie
Add an extra vegetable to your evening meal

You get where I'm coming from? And when you add in so much goodness you start to crowd out the bad stuff, little by little, until you no longer crave it. Eureka! Let me know how you get on. I look forward to hearing from you.