The Magic of Chia

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The tiny little chia seed is a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. I find myself adding chia to so many recipes. I kind of thought that everyone was doing the same but lately I've run into a couple of people who have never heard of chia seeds so I thought, "hold on, let's talk about this!"

Chia seeds are a complete protein meaning that they contains all 9 of the essential amino acids necessary for human health. (Other vegetarian sources of complete protein are quinoa and hemp seeds).  They contain 11g of fibre (mixed soluble and insoluble) per ounce, which is rather remarkable, and they act like little scrub brushes all along the digestive tract! They are high in antioxidants and ounce for ounce they contain more calcium than most dairy products.  Plus they are are loaded with omega-3s and full of vitamins and minerals. They provide great energy and stamina and give a wonderful sense of fullness. What are you waiting for?

Here is a beginner recipe if you are new to chia seeds.  This is a great way to start the day, ensuring you get lots of protein for breakfast.

Chilled Chia Porridge
(serves 2)

3 Tbls whole chia seeds
10 oz / 285 ml  almond or coconut milk
1 Tbls maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients, give a good stir and refrigerate overnight.  In the morning stir through again and top with raw cacao nibs, flaked coconut, nuts or seeds of choice.  As a variation you could stir in a pureed banana, a pureed peach, or pureed berries.  In the autumn it's also delicious with a big spoonful of pureed pumpkin and cinnamon stirred through.

IF you are not a fan of the slightly gelatinous texture of soaked chia seeds you might consider other uses:

  • add to smoothies
  • use as a topping on smoothie bowls
  • add in ground/milled chia to pancake batter, muffin mix, bread dough, cookie dough
  • use for thickening jam, sauces and gravies
  • add to porridge or overnight oats
  • as an egg replacer in baking  (1 Tbls ground chia to 3 Tbls water)

Just one last word of warning:  chia seeds soak up LOTS of liquid. Something to keep in mind if you're using them in baking. And you don't just want to gobble down a big dry tablespoon of them. Give them some liquid!

What's your favourite chia seed recipe?