It's Give Away Time!
To win this package go to my Instagram or my Nourish19 Facebook page
1. Tag a friend who you know who would appreciate healthy ideas and
2. Make sure to follow me on instagram OR like my Nourish19 page
I have finally received the lovely Nourish19 promotional material I’ve been working on these last few weeks and I am so excited to share them with you. I’m running a give-away competition for all of you lovely friends and fans who have supported me with your likes, comments, and enthusiasm. Included in the give-away package are:
* A GORGEOUS tea towel featuring my Nourish19 “N” designed by the ever-talented Raw Vegan Blonde (aka Amber Locke)
* A Nourish19 shopping pad with magnet so that you can write down all the healthy ingredients you plan to buy
* A Nourish19 notebook in which you could keep a food diary, for instance, or jot down recipes you make up
*A Nourish19 trolley token that you can use when you go stock up on basics
* …and just for fun some vegetable pens that I picked up at Paperchase. Don’t you just love them?
* All of this comes with a free consultation for a health coaching session with me. If you live in London, great, and if not, no worries – we can skype.
This competition is open until Monday, March 8th, and I will randomly pick a name from all those who participate in the competition. Go check out my Instagram or Facbook page now!
Good luck.