Fighting Cold and Flu Season

We are deep into cold and flu season - ugh! People often ask me how I keep from catching every virus around. In addition to eating a broad nutrient-filled, plant-based diet rich in anti-oxidants I also have a few go-to remedies that I rely on.

Let me be clear, however: I am NOT a doctor. I am NOT a nutritionist. I am a health coach who loves to help people reach their wellness potential. This is simply what "I" use. I cannot prescribe any of this to you - you should check with your health care practitioner. I am simply sharing what works for me, and these are all things anyone can pick up at any health food store, grocery store, or order on line. (The exception is the Umka which I have only ever seen in the US).

  • Zinc - may work by preventing rhinovirus from multiplying
  • Beta Glucans - boosts the immune system
  • Esberitox - a blend of supercharged echinacea and homepathic remedies designed to boost the immune system
  • Umka - a bit like the clean natural equivalent of LemSip
  • Baobab - powder from a fruit is that is mega-charged with vitamin C that I add to smoothies
  • Garlic in everything! It is anti-viral and immune boosting
  • Homemade "tea" of raw honey and steeped ginger
  • Tons of water - drink it like it's your business
  • SLEEP! Go to bed! For real

And please, if you have a cold, skip the anti-biotics. They don't work on viruses and you are setting yourself up for anti-biotic resistance and a thrashing to your gut health.

Wishing you health and happiness as we wind our way through winter.